
Autism Adventures with Alyssa


After a really hard day , I decided to bring Alyssa to the table and do an activity . Sometimes it helps calm her . We had a toy we had never used before , it was acorns from A-Z and it comes with little figures that can go inside the acorns . The elephant…


The rigidity is so hard . Sometimes I think it’s the hardest part but I feel like I say that about everything. The screaming , the need to control everything in house is so much sometimes . I can’t let her have her way everytime . But the screaming and the crying , the throwing…

Never give up This girl never ceases to amaze me ! Everytime this disorder has me feeling defeated , she brings me back with something unexpected . She reminds me why I have to always keep pushing . Alyssa is non verbal . We were told she would never talk or be able to understand . I…

French fries This is when we drove to Florida a few weeks ago . This is a very recent word that she has been able to say . She is doing so great it’s almost hard to believe it . She has severe apraxia which makes it extremely difficult to make sounds never mind words .…

Letter to my mom

Dear Mom, I am sorry the end of your life has ended up the way that it has. It is not how I envisioned it and I’m sure not how you did either. No your not dying, not in the traditional sense but parts are you are long gone. I sometimes see little bits and…


Today is the anniversary of the ADA otherwise known as the Americans with disabilities act. This was signed into law in 1990,6 years before my daughter was born. A daughter that unknown to me at the time,would have a lifelong disability. I had no idea the services and accommodations she would need. Discrimination against individuals…

A moment of Love

Alyssa loves with her whole heart,but she hasn’t always been able to show it. Affection and touching is sometimes hard for. Having siblings helped open up her heart more. When Kierra came along she wasn’t too sure at first and was indifferent and then annoyed. Little by little she wormed her way into her heart.…

The road less traveled

Earlier in my journey I would often wonder why,Why my daughter, our family?It seemed unjust,unfair, why did this happen to her. It didn’t make sense, when I looked around I saw other families and their children and everything looked different from ours. Easy, simple, typicalWe were anything but. We were loud, chaotic, and everything was…

Her future

The future is so scary to think about. I try to focus on the here and now,what I can control. As I get older it becomes a more of a reality. My mom passed away recently, and my Dad 8 years ago. Ten years ago they were both vibrant and actively involved in our lives.…

Blissfully unaware

Autism is a tough road. It really is, so complicated and so hard in so many ways. From the day you hear the words, you are catapulted into an alternate reality. My daughter was diagnosed at 2 years old and it has been a long hard journey. The emotions that you feel as a mom…


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